Requirements for submission:
Please submit all manuscripts to the Editorial Board in Word documents by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Master and Bachelor students should attach:
- a scanned version of the scientific Supervisor's recommendation for manuscript submission.

Recommendation of the scientific supervisor

Title of the paper



Master’s Degree student


(Family name, name)

(year of study, Chair)

is recommended for publication by the supervisor


Signature of the scientific supervisor ______________________________   /                                 /

• a scanned version of the review from the specialist in this area of research. The review should contain reviewer's scientific degree and contact information (for teaching staff, scientific researchers working in educational and research institutions in Kazakhstan, and other countries).

Results of the manuscript reviewing


Family name, name of the author


Title of the manuscript



Family name, name of the reviewer


Scientific degree, place of work of the reviewer


Tel. / e-mail of the reviewer


Conclusion of the reviewer:

¾      Accept for publication

¾      Reject


I ask you to accept / reject the manuscript because:








Reviewer signature ________________________             /........................../

«______» _________________200___.